Introducing Tom Hollins

"I like to push my boundaries and to always be looking for something new. I enjoy reaching those limits. When I run I smile. It's pretty common to hear me whooping for joy when I am out and about. Usually when I see a snow storm coming or the wind is trying to suck all the air out of my cheeks." - Tom
Paradoxically, Tom thinks of himself as someone who rarely trains, but runs a lot. He has an exploratory approach to running, both of his environment and internal barriers, and will often stop in the middle of a run to admire a view. He likes to run with his partner, his dogs, his friends, but also alone and the longer he is out the more immersed he becomes.
Most often found crushing the trails around his home in West Yorkshire, Tom doesn't compete as much as others in his class. However, when he does a strange inner beast is awoken, which pushes him hard to compete.
He'll still be smiling, though.
''I want to know what limits I am capable of. The longer i go and the more technical the ground the bigger the smile.'' - Tom